Friday, September 18, 2009

Where do I start???

Rick and I have not been great at updated all of you!  I keep telling myself that I will get better at this blog thing and the next thing I know is two months pass without any updates.  So here you go!!!!

Rick’s update

Rick was given a clean bill of health at the end of July.  We were overjoyed with emotions.  I found myself one minute singing praises and the next minute I was crying uncontrollably.  The emotion that I was hit with was something that I never imagined.  My sick husband was now healed.  The doctors are recommending that he have a chest x-rays every two months as well as blood tests done.  The doctors will be evaluating both of these tests to see if there are any changes to his body.  At the year anniversary (July 2010), Rick will have another full body CT scan.  From there I have no idea how long we will live with scans and blood test....but honestly I don’t really care.  I am just so thankful that God preformed a miracle on Rick’s body.  We are really thankful for all the prayer partners, helping hands, encouraging writers, and sweet dear friends that we have.  We really....I mean all of you and appreciate all of you so much!

Kelli’s update 

I have continued to have a rough pregnancy but I can now say with a smile on my face......IT IS ALMOST OVER!!!  I will be induced on Thursday, September 24th at 5:00a.m.  It is only 6 days from now.  Please pray that Kate stays in the 

"head down" position because only 1 week ago she was in "breech" position.  She thankfully has flopped but I just hope she stays that way!

Kids Update

Andrew & Caleb both started school.  Andrew is in Kindergarden and Caleb is in Pre-K.  They attend school twice a week and I homeschool the other three days.  I must say....I love it!  My kids are very eager to learn which makes teaching them such a joy.  Andrew is reading, loves to use his imagination when drawing and his handwriting is exceptional.  Caleb is enjoying going to school with his  big brother and cousins Daniel & Jack.  I have never seen a 4 year old who is so meticulous as Caleb.  He colors his pictures with little or no errors.  I am really proud of how well he is adjusting to  school.  Bekah is still our little princess for now (meaning until Kate arrives).  She loves the two days that we are together while the boys are at school.  I really enjoy her little personality!  Her new favorite and I mean favorite thing is DORA.  She recently became potty trained which was a breeze for her.  She literally had 2 accidents and after that was trained.  As her reward, Grammie made her a Dora blanket and pillowcase.  She loves sleeping with both of these items.